BioBlitz Workshops
Find, record, and connect with the species on your own property with our hands-on guided BioBlitz Workshops.
Spring 2024 Update!
Trials are underway for our BioBlitz Workshops. This phase aims to ensure these empowering and educational workshops have the desired impact. If you’d like to be involved in the development phase by participating in a trial and providing feedback, please get in touch via the Contact Page.

BioBlitz Workshop
A combined on-site qualitative biodiversity survey and hands-on workshop introducing you to the species that inhabit your property, creating species occurrence records, and empowering you to perform your own surveys.

+ Survey Report
A comprehensive survey report detailing the activities performed, methods used, species recorded, and selected educational ‘Species Profiles’ for key species found.

+ Biodiversity Profile
Infographics and social media tiles summarising the biodiversity discovered on your property. Additional tiles to highlight unique species and printable posters available upon request.
What Will You Discover?
The species you’ll encounter will depend on the season, weather, time of day, survey methods, property size, and location. Every property will have its own unique collection of species.

Terrestrial Invertebrates that make up the majority of biodiversity and perform critical ecosystem functions are easily overlooked due to their small size. We’ll help you to locate, understand, and record these species to aid in your understanding and conservation efforts.

flora & fauna
Flowering plants and vertebrates form the part of ecosystems with which we are most familiar. Locating, identifying and understanding these across your property is a great first step to understanding the local biodiversity. We’ll help you to gain a greater understanding of the role these species play.

Mosses, liverworts, hornworts, fungi, slime moulds, and ferns that all reproduce by spores form key parts of ecosystems but don’t receive the attention they deserve. We’ll help you to discover and record these on your property so you can develop a well rounded understanding of the environment around you.
The Workshop Details
Our BioBlitz Workshops are hands-on biodiversity surveys, providing you with the guidance to uncover species, to record and share them. They are performed directly on your property or bushcare site and can run from 2 hours to full day. They are ideal for small groups where everyone has the opportunity to participate. Together we choose survey techniques to suit your property and interests. Accommodations are made to ensure people of all ages and abilities can participate.
During the workshops we’ll introduce you to the biodiversity recording platform iNaturalist, teach you how to photograph species to allow identification, and show you how to create your own species occurrence records. The species we encounter each hold a space in the ecosystem and together we’ll investigate their lifestyles and habits, and consider what can be done to help them thrive.
As part of the service, we’ll establish an iNaturalist project specifically for your property that will bring together all your species occurrence records from the workshop, and future records you and visitors to your property create. We’ll provide you with a comprehensive and educational survey report detailing what we’ve discovered that you can utilise to guide your property and bushcare activities. We’ll also create a set of infographics and social media tiles that you can use to share the biodiversity on your property with friends and family.
If you have a property that you care for and wish to know more about the species present on it, then this is for you. BioBlitz Workshops can be of great value when performed on properties with remnant vegetation and/or vegetation heritage listing. They can be used to help with establishing a baseline prior to land restoration activities. They can be used to demonstrate the biodiversity surrounding your nature retreat, rural accommodation, hobby farm, and primary production properties.
The surveying workshops can be performed anywhere in the Southern Mount Lofty region of South Australia, from Cape Jervis to Murray Bridge to Nuriootpa. We can also make special arrangements to provide services further afield.
The surveying workshops are of an educational nature and are intended to give you an introduction to surveying techniques and the biodiversity on your property. They are intended to empower you, providing you with the skills and knowledge to continue your adventure in discovering biodiversity on your own.
The Biodiversity Reports are an addition to the workshops that provide a record of our activities, the species found, and further educational content. They are a powerful resource that you can refer back to at a later date. They also come with infographic summaries of the biodiversity of the property which can be shared your family and friends.
The surveying workshops and biodiversity reports are of a qualitative nature. They are not intended to asses individual species distributions or populations on the property. It is not recommended that decisions relating to property development or conservation measures be based upon these activities alone. However they may serve as a good starting point to guide future activities.
The knowledge and understanding you gain will hopefully help you to see the natural world in greater detail, and give you a new appreciation of the smaller lifeforms that are so critical to the functioning of ecosystems.
The species occurrence records that you create as part of the survey and any more you create in the future are synced with the Atlas of Living Australia, an open source biodiversity database bringing together digital records across the country. These invaluable records help communities and governments make informed decisions about development, conservation, and other initiatives that impact our natural landscapes. The information can be utilised by ecologists, taxonomists, and other researchers to help improve our understanding of Australia’s biodiversity.
The surveying workshops are adapted to suit the needs of each participant. They are ideal for those just starting out on their journey of discovery. There is no assumed knowledge or skills required. Participants of any age are welcome. I encourage hands-on participation to get the most out of it, but also welcome those who would prefer to learn through observation only.
Our relaxed pace surveying workshops provide many of the benefits of spending time in nature. It is our aim that through the direct study of nature you’ll come to better understand your place in the world and feel more connected to it.
That’s ok. We understand not everyone is partial to creepy-crawlies. There’s no obligation to handle such critters, however we hope you’ll still come to appreciate their important roles in the biosphere.